Saturday, 29 October 2016

Merchandise Liquidators| Wholesale liquidators: AAA closeout liquidators

AAA Closeout Liquidators

The trusted liquidator of closeouts & overstock inventory since 1979, Get great returns from overstocks, closeouts & liquidations Since 1979, we are buying closeouts for best price!!!

Overstock Buyers

With many years of experience in the closeouts & liquidation business. We are tagged by Forbes magazine as “Best of the Web”. Ranked in the top websites in the world by Alexa, We pay top dollar for dead inventory. We can afford to pay much more because we have a higher class trade then most other in same business.

Merchandise Liquidators

Buy closeouts, liquidations & customer returns from AAA Closeout Liquidators for pennies on the wholesale dollar & Expect to Save 50%-90% OFF Wholesale!!! For merchandise purchase with 50%-90% OFF, please send your detailed email to: for a quick reply

Saturday, 24 September 2016

AAA Closeout Liquidator is a name of trust and bond

How can companies get rid of outdated and excess merchandise and quickly put free capital on their balance sheet? 
We are moving towards crucial times where companies are finding it very hard to have access to instant cash. It is not every easy to have a good reputation and longevity in business. AAA Closeout Liquidator is a name of trust and bond. Manufacturers and wholesalers often hesitate to trust any company with their wholesale merchandize. Selling your merchandize to us is probably the wisest decision any wholesale liquidator would make. The perks and advantages are numerous and lastly it is all about experience, reliable service and rapport. We gladly pronounce ourselves as a leading brand that has immense experience in closeouts & liquidation business. If experience is what you look for, then we guarantee that, if goodwill is what you desire we provide that and if reliable service is what you seek, we deliver that with efficiency as well. 
Most companies aim at highlighting their cash flow and sell their excess inventory as a necessary evil in doing business. However, it goes the other way around with us. We are essentially vendor centric company that pays extra emphasis on empowering our suppliers and help them to lessen their burden oftheir excessive inventory. To name the advantages categorically as to why it is desirable for manufacturers to do business with us, let us have a look below: 
  • -         AAA Closeout Liquidators are known for their many years of credibility and outstanding ranking with D&B.
  • -         Our cost cutting methods and quick payments will benefit you the same as it did since 1979, for many other manufacturers with reducing their overhead and operating cost.
  • -         What concerns many manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers the most is wasting of expensive shelf space and warehouse space because of overstock inventory and huge heaps of old merchandize. That is not a concern anymore, since we are a prime dumping ground which allows
    you to empty your retail storage space that could be used for better uses for
    your company.
  • -         Unlike the others in the closeout business is that we stand out by our exclusivity and service. We give you quick decisions that are more valuable than wasting your precious time with
    bartering, calling newbie closeout liquidators that are just learning the business and useless exchanges. We clean out not just your inventory but your stress and pain of wandering around as well.
  • -         Quick payments, money transfers and money related matters hold utmost importance to us. We do realize that money does not come easy for most so we pay quickly. As soon as make deal with our vendors we pay rapidly via FEDEX and bank transfer. Whether it’s your wholesale  merchandise, inventory liquidation and overstock clearance we pay for them and do not require excessive payment terms.
  • -         When manufacturers and distributors sell to us they actually get into this camaraderie of long term business with us as we leave them delighted by increasing their working capital.
  • -         AAA Closeout Liquidators is Warehouse Liquidator’s buys all type of consumer overstock clearance merchandise sold at a Walmart of Target, Macys, or a Kmart chain store. We deal in various merchandize and categories to broaden our scope of business usefulness to our vendors that need to sell their liquidation merchandise. 
  • -         Do you have obsolete or old inventory that is no longer current? Are you finding pink elephants in your warehouse that are starting to have birthdays? Did you get a canceled order after importing the goods for a customer and missed the strict due date? Not an issue anymore with us around you can depend on us to assist you. 
  • -         We buy real estate, foreclosures, retail store stock, toy closeouts, construction equipment, bankruptcies, going out of business assets and any surplus merchandise that a consumer can use.Dead inventory is problematic for most retailers as their business sees a big full stop to future profits. We buy your dead inventory to save you from the trauma of losses and unpleasant surprises. 

Let AAA closeout liquidator is a merchandise liquidators, excess inventory buyers and inventory liquidators that buy your old undesirable best buy liquidation while you engage in more important matters. Discounted inventory and closeouts often put businesses into a question mark category which is horrific and a nightmare. They get bogged down in spending valuable time with old outdated inventory rather than selling profitable current inventory. Their future strategy, profits, performance and market standing suffer as a result of their short sightedness. 
AAA is a surplus liquidator and Wholesale Buyers/Overstock BuyersWholesale Liquidators that will assist in eliminating the misery of closeouts, overstock, surplus, and discontinued merchandise that occupies your valuable space and peace of mind. We are your ray of hope to help you with your warehousing and financial crisis that will now show you a way out. You will now be able to bring in your new salable inventory by selling AAA closeout liquidators your old excess inventory. There is always an attached risk of selling and committing to deals with less experienced overstock liquidatorsCloseout Buyers and liquidation websites all over the INTERNET.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Best Buy Liquidation: overstock clearance for sale

Best Buy Liquidation

AAA Closeout Liquidators one of USA’s largest wholesale buyers and inventory liquidators, we buys and sells a wide variety of wholesale merchandise including closeouts, overstock clearance we have 50-90% discounts for overstock buyers with Best Buy Liquidation 50 to 90% below wholesale cost???

Overstock Liquidators: With over 37 years of experience, we know when and how to clear the stocks, We keep highlighting our overstock clearance sale to closeout buyers & sellers with this overstock Liquidators remain in touch with us instead of going to numerous liquidation websites or contacting non-experienced merchandise liquidators.

Call Today us @ 518-217-8587

Don’t hesitate set an appointment today and just Be amazed with our team’s efforts to earn your business,

Visit: or reach us @
AAA closeout liquidators Central industrial park albany, New York 12207
 or do Call us @ 518-217-8587

For merchandise purchase questions, please send your detailed email to: for a quick reply.

For purchasing department, Please send complete details of your closeout and liquidation offers to:

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Secrets of how to make BIG money selling on EBay and Amazon?

Money making Tips by AAA Closeout Liquidators

Money making is an art nowadays. If you have the right skill, the talent, oomph and the marketing capability, there isn't a reason to keep you from making fast money. To tell you the truth many a man are not worthy of earning millions of dollars but they are doing so and it is because of the fact that they have perfected and mastered the art of delivering what people want. In the early days making money was not an easy task to achieve because of the monopoly of few heterogeneous brands. The world has since changed when INTERNET made its way into our lives and disrupted the regular course of living. E-Commerce became a norm through which businesses started doing business. But in times where there is oligopoly of brands, homogeneity of products and fierce competition, earning money even on the EBay and Amazon is not a child’s play. But hold your breaths because you are only a few moments away from learning the secret of making fast cash on EBay and amazon. Let us now look at how EBay and Amazon would prove to be useful in making fast cash and how do you do it even as a starter.

Pictures: The use of pictures to sell yourself is key deciding factor as to how you would and when you be making money. Make sure that you use pictures which are original, high in content and quality wise up to the mark. They must not be blurry or plagiarized to give your customers a shock or fraud. Quality is followed by quantity so when you market your merchandise or brand quantity of pictures must be sufficient to provide enough detail of your brand or lure your customers into buying your things away.

Completeness: It is a strategic agenda which leads to nowhere but success and money making. While you describe to the public what you are offering you need to be vigilante about your completion of description and information that you provide. Completeness should not just be in the detail of the product but in marketing your message to people. Do not confuse your customer with some malicious information, false note and wrong message because offending is the last thing that you want to do in pursuit of money.

Time: It is next to most important and without it you will not be able to learn how the world works. As it is said, if you do not respect time you would be left behind in the walk of life, similarly time plays a big character in deciding your monetary future on the globe. Look out at the times where most visitors visit your offering and the times that are supposedly the busiest in terms of business. When you rack these times you would be able to generate heaps of cash by using EBay and Amazon.

Research: This tool alone is so powerful to generate the right amount of revenue and sales that you do not want to let go of it. Research means you see the trends of who customers want, want they want, why they want and when they want. If you unlock the secret to your customer’s heart, then you my friend have mastered the art of money making. Research is all you need to do it. It could be tiring, long and costly but believe you me the end results are worth waiting and worth spending for.

You must have seen a number of movies on marketing executives and see how they sell smallest and most trivial of things to people even if that incorporates fooling them. Not that I am encouraging fooling your customer but the gist is you want to lure your customer into a temptation. Your tone of deliverance on these platforms of EBay and Amazon must be so catchy and clear that people are themselves drawn towards you. Your way of conducting your business and placing an offer should be humble, smart yet simple to attract your audience towards you. If only you have this you are a step away from playing in those heaps of dollars.

Have you ever heard about pitching a product? If not then you are in for a treat, because pitching is simple and simple. Pitching involves you telling your target audience of your offer. While you pitch your idea, offer or your product on Amazon and EBay make sure you are excited about it and you are yourself clear about it. When you have these qualities and express them in your description, there is not a force in earth that would keep you from making money.

 Bargain hunters look on EBay and Amazon and on liquidation websites for items that they can make a profit selling inventory on. The following are target customers for your Wholesale Merchandise, toy closeouts and Overstock Clearance:

These are simple yet tactical steps that every excess inventory buyers, overstock buyers and closeout buyers can take to ensure that you will earn large quantity of sales and revenues on the INTERNET.

Keep Following our Blogs to get more tips and information about Closeouts.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Everything you always wanted to know about closeouts: AAA Closeout liquidators

Everything you always wanted to know about closeouts, but did not know who to ask.
What is a closeout? How does merchandise become a closeout?

With inception of commerce and retail, the businesses adopted to different practices of running their everyday contracts. Some went for auction; other did barter while the rest did normal trading in exchange for money. It's a term that originated in the 1920s with its implications now seen worldwide when it comes to liquidation and winding up. Systematically speaking in professional terms closeout is a practice exercised when a project is completed or needs to be put to an end. All the associated activities of that project and assets are to be assessed, sorted and done. Now if anyone were to ask a businessman, manufacturer, liquidator or merchandiser, they would explain in explicit business dialect. IT is a business or commerce practice where discontinued, obsolete, unsaleable, dead or slow moving stock is sold or put to an end through clearance sale. This process occurs to ensure that any business before liquidating and winding up completes its liabilities and ensures completion of projects.

Closeout sales are very advantageous to gentry and commoners as they are able to afford what was thought to be unapproachable before. When clearance sales occur and closeouts mark a history for some branded product line or company, customers get to enjoy the perks of unachievable. The merchandize which was only available previously on high prices and far from the reach of many, is now finding its way out of the inventory and dark warehouses. These are necessary to take care of the shelf spacing. The merchandize is obtainable now at discounted rates or the sales. Many wholesalers go and elect this route of business. Wholesale buyers, liquidation websites, inventory liquidators, wholesale liquidatorsfurniture liquidators and Merchandise Liquidators are often the involved parties in this phenomenon.

The question amidst all the businesses and trading is how does a merchandize actually become a closeout. They otherwise holds immense importance to any business and firm. The key asset upon which the entire firm stands is the merchandize which is the sole runner of all activities. 

      Following ways turn they into closeouts:

        When the Merchandize sits for a longer period of time on the stores, retailers and sellers often succumb to “peer pressure” and social pressure of not progressing. They find it hard that the store is becoming overly populated and immensely dense with excessive merchandize. The fear is that the growth is stunned and fixated at a point which is a problem for revenues and future cash flow. So the retailers try to clear their merchandize through closeouts.

  • Dead inventory which is held back in the storage or warehouse is also troublesome since the operating cost keeps on building up. The miscellaneous cost, idle inventory cost and space all are at risk and stake so closeouts are a possible way out for merchandizers. This obsolete or dead inventory is not a good omen for growth of merchandizers. How would you feel if your company had heaps of inventory sitting idle, with your sales stagnated and growth paralyzed and you have no idea or path to look at. Under such circumstantial problems closeouts is what merchandize becomes.

  • Closeouts are then put through a systematic way of clearance sale. Clearance sale is a fancy and attractive name that camouflages the concept of closeout where discount are put into action to get the merchandize moving. Clearance sales ease the process of liquidations and cash is instantly obtained.

Clearance sales and the wholesale merchandize are a delight for commoners like you and me, for it’s not every day that a Dior bag is put on overstock clearance sale and is available for less than half of its original price. Consider yourself in a place where you get to model the bag as your favorite celebrity once did on the ramp. The feeling is itself quite exciting, isn’t it? Just the thought of clearance sale is enough for the public to go and buy the product which was troublesome for the manufacturers. Merchandize that turns into closeouts include tangible and intangible products or service, for intangibility, we mean real estate etc. When it comes to tangible the merchandize obviously could be anything from clothes to apparels, jewelry to houses. Always keep a keen eye at the market and best buy liquidation. Look at the ups and downs in the stock exchange for the price of things and avail the best discounted items at a reasonable price. Overstock buyers, merchandise liquidators, wholesale buyers, excess liquidation buyers, warehouse liquidators, and surplus liquidators are often there to help companies and small vendors with the process in selling inventory and toys closeoutsAAA closeout liquidators are one such name of brilliance, trust and goodwill that allows you to conduct it. You can sell through them, to them or even buy from them as they have been wholesale liquidators and Overstock Liquidators since 1979.

Friday, 5 August 2016

excess Wholesale Merchandise Liquidators: Closeout Liquidators

Closeout Liquidators

Manufacturers and retailers having large quantity of overstock often contact closeout buyers, Merchandise Liquidators that are experts in this business.Wholesale liquidators are out there to guide customers into buying lucrative options and ease the process of liquidation sales.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Buying Closeout things: A Win-Win Situation

Continuing from our last blog for explaining the benefit of Closeouts, for most it is a win-win situation…

Let us dig deeper into the chemistry of products and prices in accordance to the fluctuating customer demands, changing preferences, economic hurdles and constantly changing business environment. Businesses go for closeouts as it turns out to be profitable to them in the very end. When the summers are about to bid us farewell, companies start fearing about the bulk, sitting in the stores for it may be a potential loss to them. Companies put attractive discount packages to lure customers into buying the merchandize only to pave way for new stock and vacant shelf space. A win-win situation is held up for the interacting parties evidently being the customer and the retailer. High profit margins are noted to be established during the closeout seasons or practices.
Wholesale liquidators are out there to guide customers into buying lucrative options and ease the process of liquidation sales. Furniture liquidators for that matter are highly important as customers especially seek them for they know a way to get right IKEA product or other branded product for low price. The process of liquidation and closeout is advantageous to the business conducting it but may not always pose great facility to the customers opting for it. Customers could be lead into buying damaged branded products that they mistake for a high end product. At times it becomes difficult for the customer to distinguish the right closeout offer because of the homogeneity of businesses in the same industry. Businesses know customer psyche and at times this closeout and liquidation could be deliberate tools to get their product reach to a newer audience. When a niche in a market is carved, business then look forward to adding more margins of profit to their sales and closing out seems the convenient of all options.
So if you as a customer want a branded product, look through liquidation websites and the liquidators to guide you into right store to have your final product or service within your reach. Closeouts, sales and liquidation may seem big fat words initially but all they do is add load of revenues.
Manufacturers and retailers having large quantity of overstock often contact closeout buyers, Merchandize Liquidators or surplus liquidators that are experts in this business. They know that stale dated merchandise is like money sitting in a checking account, not earning them interest. Also this wholesale merchandise is just sitting in their warehouse taking up valuable space that could be put to better use. They realize from experience that they must act promptly and liquidate their overstock clearance inventory.

Inventory Buying Services

Manufacturers and importers try to alleviate their costly problem and will contact various larger national closeout buyers and Merchandise Liquidators to rid themselves of their wholesale merchandiseOne of the largest wholesale liquidators is AAA Closeout Liquidators, a trusted and well known closeout buyers and wholesale liquidators, in business since 1979. We are specialized in quickly purchasing excess wholesale merchandiseOverstock Clearance and bulk inventory for cash. You could visit their website at or you can see a free informative video about their cash surplus inventory buying services.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Importance of Closeouts for Companies

You are no different than most of us who desire low priced branded products. Walking into Ralph Lauren or Prada, every individual’s heart skips a beat seeing the sky high prices. What most customers want is that branded Gucci watch for a much lower price and if only that were possible, it would be through closeouts and liquidations.
Speaking objectively, closeouts and liquidation both fall under different courses of academics. Closeouts are tied up to retailing and merchandising while the liquidation comes into play on financial grounds. However both these terms have relevancy for wholesale buyers because of the domain they are operated under. In layman terminology, liquidation refers to a situation of winding up a corporate which results in redistribution of the assets of the company. Under the state of liquidation, companies take the route of overstock clearance through liquidation sales. Overstocking poses great threat and complexities to any running business. Not only does it add up to the cost but also is a predicament of enough space for new stock. Now you might confuse this overstocking with buffer inventory but buffer is only positive addition when it aids sales whereas overstocking is ordeal of inefficiency and ineffectiveness. On the other hand closeout occurs when a business wants to make room for new inventory or get rid of the existing bulk of stock. It refers to buying in bulk at a cheaper rate. Factory closeouts/Closeout Liquidators are demarcated in the following two proponents:
  • Salvage products
  • Job outs
Salvage Products
Salvage merchandise focuses on the augmented product levels like customer returns and damages for instance. Damage is a byproduct of mixed assortment at times but it surely does not mean that any damaged product is unsellable. Sale depends on the product and extent of damage.
Job outs
If any product on the shelf should fail to grasp the attention of customer or does not sell itself then job outs give them a way to do so. The merchandise on the retail floor is sold to a newer target audience with a reduction in the cost. Retailers are encouraged and often constrained by the bulk of inventory to go for overstock clearance.
Many liquidation websites promote company closeouts to circumvent the problems faced by the retailers and the businesses. The prices in job outs are usually lower than that of the wholesale merchandise which most customers look forward to.
Most merchandise liquidators deal in providing high quality closeouts. Since many retailers shy away from the closeouts they take refuge in the service of Merchandize LiquidatorsInventory liquidators might as well aim for emptying the inventory as they cater to changing business environment and customer preference, as they realize from experience that they must act promptly and liquidate their overstock clearance inventory.
Detail or more information about this topic is continue to our next post "win-win situation", must come back to read our next post update, Thanks to all the readers.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

From General Merchandise Liquidators to Wholesalers Liquidators|Overstock n closeout Buyers

From General Merchandise Liquidators to Wholesalers Liquidators we help you in saving upto 90% With this you can always exceed your expectations while working with us. Get more money then expected for your closeouts from AAA Closeout Liquidators, We had Excellent credit rating with D&B. We are Close Out Buyers and with 36 years of experience in the closeouts & liquidation business we have excellent credit rating and feedback. Work with us and Turn Overstock Merchandise into Huge Profit! We had a direct deal with buyers and sellers from USA, CANADA, UK, MEXICO,and other 15 countries.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Closeout buyers of overstock-liquidation and surplus inventory

AAA Closeout Liquidators

Doing closeout business from last 36 years and during this long phase we have a higher class trade then most. We had Wholesalers Liquidators, Overstock Buyers from long time. We deal from General Merchandise Liquidators to Paint, sporting goods, Tools and Hardware and toy closeouts.

Closeout Liquidators

We had very solid reputation in this business, Do read what our client says about us below

I must say shoes from you look very nice, and nicer than most of the other shoes I’ve got from other people… I feel quality is number 1. So I’ve now pretty much decided that AAA Closeout Liquidators will be my main supplier in the future.”

– Susan W., Calif

My partner and I have done business with AAA Closeout liquidators for over six years.Their merchandise is profitable and their staff is always respectful and helpful.I enjoy doing business with this wonderful company.I highly recommend them.

– D.S.

Very clean grocery banana box merchandise, fast shipping, rapid transaction AAA+++”
“I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I needed to read your inspiration page. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Especially the story of Kyle. It was all very wonderful, but I needed the one about Kyle. I look forward to doing business with your company very soon.
Thank you very much.”

– Tim & Sabrina

“Nice merchandise, pleasant emails and prompt delivery – excellent seller”
I was very pleased with the entire experience of purchasing from your company. The furniture shipment was beautiful and arrived sooner than we expected
Thank You

– Susan M.

I wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly impressed w/ the overall experience w/ AAA Closeout Liquidators

– George L.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Expect to Save 50%-90% OFF Wholesale - Merchandise Liquidators| Wholesalers Liquidators

Expect to Save 50%-90% OFF Wholesale

Representing with 20 major corporations, we are one of the largest company and specialized in the sale of brand name Closeouts. Our commitment to client service and integrity truly separates us from most other wholesaler liquidators because of our experience and size, we are able to make each client seem like they are the most important client in the world.

Work with AAA Closeout Liquidators

Work with us and take the risk out of doing business. Closeouts and liquidations at savings of up to 90% off actual price.

So, what are you waiting, Reach us now using our mails below:

For purchasing department
Please send complete details of your closeout and liquidation offers to:
For sales and customer service

So we may best assist you, kindly answers the following five (5) questions and email to:

Monday, 11 July 2016

Merchandise Liquidators| Overstock Buyers| Wholesalers Liquidators

With experience of 36 years, AAA Closeout Liquidators are best and counted as one of the largest companies in closeouts & liquidation business.

Visit our Recently added presentation on slideshare: Wholesalers Liquidators|Closeout Liquidators|Overstock Buyers Click on the link to read or change pages of above slide.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Overstock Buyers| Closeout Liquidators| Merchandise Liquidators

We are Overstock Buyers not brokers: Some liquidators charge the seller 15% commission for posting closeouts on their auction website and then also charge the buyer an additional 15% to buy the merchandise. Total broker commission of 30%!
We have 36 years of experience in the closeouts & liquidation business. Work with AAA Closeout Liquidators and take the risk out of doing business. We pay top dollar to Closeout Liquidators and to merchandise liquidators for their dead inventory.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Why AAA Closeout Liquidators is good for Your Business

It is quite normal for businesses to experience overstock clearance, regardless of what they are producing our carrying. Such incident happens due to many reasons but usually when this happens, these businesses unload their merchandise in order to make room for new items. This practice is known as surplus, overstock or closeouts. Usually, seasonal products like a bathing suit, old items that needs to be replaced with newer products or older wholesale merchandise are just some of the examples of a closeout. Some of the common reasons may include a change in legislation which affects the manufacturers’ ability to the sell existing inventory while trying to meet the new regulation. Also slow moving inventory can tie up expensive showroom and warehouse space. If those inventories are left unsold for a long period of time, companies not only incur losses due to decay or obsolescence, they could also be at risk of pilferage.
Businesses that are experiencing overstock clearance and closeouts and are considering of liquidating, should be wary of some unscrupulous closeout buyers. Some that appear legitimate are not really wholesale buyers but are in fact brokers. These brokers can often be seen advertising their services on several liquidation websites such as EBay and Craigslist or international forums such as Alibaba. Therefore, it is critically important that manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers be careful which inventory liquidator they contact when looking for that reliable wholesale buyer.
Since AAA Closeout Liquidators is an established closeout buyer and is not a middleman, they can afford to pay good money for your dead inventory. They can pay for your wholesale merchandise either by bank transfer or via FEDEX. What makes this wholesale buyer even better is that they have the ability and the capital to buy the whole lot without cherry picking. They can make decisions quickly, something that an INTERNET broker cannot do. They not only help with your closeout inventories that are just laying and gathering dust in the warehouse. They also help protect your brand name by selling your products to low profile retailers in secondary areas in the United States and also overseas, thus preventing any conflict with your existing clients.
So if your business is currently having unsold merchandise for one reason or another, and wants to sell it immediately, consider checking AAA Closeout liquidators’ liquidation website and see how this reputable company can help you with the issues you are facing. ‘AAA Closeout Buyers’ courteous staff is ready to discuss how they can best help with your close out store. They will not waste your time by fishing for information and then blasting it on the INTERNET that most broker do. AAA Closeout Liquidators is a trusted Overstock Buyers/wholesale buyer that will not leave you hanging.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Furniture makers, companies, designers, importers and furniture retailers are no longer strangers when it comes to issues and problems that hounded the furniture industry.  Although some sectors in this industry may have enjoyed moderate growth last year, a lot faced issues and challenges which affected their business.

Just like any other businesses, the furniture industry has its own share of problems and challenges which greatly affects them, and one of which is projecting their inventory. Furniture closeouts from other countries have flooded our country resulting to surplus furniture piling up in warehouses. While our costs kept on increasing, furniture manufacturers from other countries like China, India and Bangladesh managed to keep their costs at bay, allowing them to produce as many furniture as they can. As a result, a lot of companies have a hard time projecting their inventory as more people opt to buy cheaper furniture. Although some furniture manufacturers and makers managed to stay afloat by producing quality products, retailers extending discounts to their customers, still a lot of furniture remained unsold and are collecting dust in warehouses. 

Surplus furniture that you can see in retail stores

The cost of oil has gone down dramatically over the past years, this allowed other countries especially from furniture producing nations to ship or transport more of these furniture products to their customers, not to mention faster of mode of transport which allows them to flood the market with surplus furniture that you can see in retail stores. This in effect, results in more furniture overstock in warehouses sitting and collecting dust.

What can they do to correct this immediate painful problem? Manufacturers, importers and retailers having large quantity of furniture surplus, closeout furniture or furniture overstock, often contact closeout buyers, furniture liquidators or furniture discounters. They know that stale dated merchandise is like money sitting in a checking account, not earning them any interest. So contacting a home décor liquidator or a national furniture liquidator to sell their office furniture clearance or hotel furniture liquidator makes good business sense.

Another problem which furniture manufacturers and designers have to contend with is design piracy. Just like producers of smart phones and gadgets, these companies acknowledged that totally eliminating copying and piracy is really hard and safeguarding everything is almost impossible. Some of these companies have been victim of other manufacturers who are producing an almost identical design at a lower cost, selling it as surplus furniture. This practice results to closeout furniture piling up in their warehouses. Some companies have to rent or lease additional warehouses to house their products and prevent further losses due to damages. To combat this issue, more companies are innovating more often in order to be a step ahead of the competition.

They are often shocked to discover that this wholesale merchandise is just sitting in their warehouse taking up valuable space that could be put to better use. They realize from painful experience that they must act promptly and liquidate their overstock clearance inventory.

There is also a rising call for environmental concern. A good hard wood as furniture maybe a thing of the past as more and more environmentalist group calls for total log ban in their country. Using composite materials may be able to solve this issue but the cost could also be high and staggering, which can result to steeper price, and with our economy still recuperating, furniture that are branded as premium may be left unsold in retail outlets and eventually have more inventories stored in the warehouse.

There are actually lots of issues and problems facing furniture manufacturers, designers, importers and retailers today. Coming up with innovative branding strategies will definitely help them against other industry players especially those coming from inexpensive labor producing countries.  

Vendors will try and contact various furniture and mattress liquidators, furniture discounters and assorted merchandise liquidators to help rid themselves of their wholesale merchandise. One of the largest wholesale liquidators is AAA Closeout Liquidators, a trusted and well known closeout buyer, in business since 1979. They specialize in quickly purchasing wholesale merchandise, overstock clearance and bulk inventory for cash. 

They are among the best reputable furniture liquidators and have the proven ability to purchase your entire furniture close outs, you can see a free informative video about their cash buying services by CLICKING HERE.

Thursday, 19 May 2016


People today are focused on keeping themselves fit and healthy, while the rest are keen on making it to the big leagues depending on the sports they are into. Gone are the days when children play games or are into sports just to enjoy or just to keep them physically fit. Nowadays, some parents are urging their children to play a certain sport not only to distract them from being inactive, no thanks to smart phones, virtual games and computers, but also prodding them to make it big someday. This scenario gave an incentive to many sporting goods manufacturers, importers and retailers to cash in on the huge demand for sport equipment, sports gadgets used by players during training and games.
However, an analyst cited that the boom on sporting goods suffered a huge setback lately. According to reports, a major sporting goods retailer suffered a major slump due to over saturation. Excess store growth with growth accelerating over the last couple of years and having low demands for equipment especially high end brands resulted in overstock clearance and surplus wholesale merchandise in retail outlets. This resulted to several branches of these major retailers to close shop, lest they go bankrupt. Despite this move, these sporting goods outlets still have excess overstock clearance on hand and at their warehouse collecting dust. Analysts say these sports retail outlet are simply over stored and this problem affects not only them but also can hurt the manufacturers of the products they are carrying at their stores.

Overstock sporting goods

Another problem that is hounding the sporting goods business today especially sporting goods retailers is e-commerce. Traditional retailers have to store inventories anticipating the demand, but when this does not happen, the result is overstock sporting goods lying around. Adding more problems to these outlets is the new channel wherein people shop today. A simple click on one’s Smartphone allows them to have access to their favorite brands, sports equipment, gadgets and the likes. Unlike traditional retailers, this digital platform has less operational expense (OPEX) and enjoys lesser inventory level.
Manufacturers, importers and retailers having large quantity of fly fishing closeouts, overstock sporting goods or closeout hunting gear, often contact closeout buyers, sports liquidators or wholesale liquidators. They know that stale dated merchandise is like money sitting in a checking account, not earning them interest. Also this wholesale merchandise is just sitting in their warehouse taking up valuable space that could be put to better use. They realize from experience that they must act promptly and liquidate their overstock clearance inventory.
Further hurting this industry is the move by major players and manufacturers. They are now geared towards improving their direct sales to consumers, resulting to sudden downturn for sporting equipment in an already soft demand season. This competitive landscape has indeed made an opportunity for others but hurt some.
Traditional retailers of sporting goods, clothes, fitness gear and other sports equipment are struggling as more children in the country and adults play sports but opted to buy fashioned-focused athletic apparels.
Hurting the industry further is the influx of cheaper imported brands. Usually these brands came from Asian counties like China, India and Bangladesh where labor is relatively cheaper, and when it hit stores, more expensive brands are left hanging. Lastly, counterfeits are slowly making into the market, killing legit brands. So good are the counterfeits nowadays that it is really hard to detect, which again results to genuine overstock sporting goods sitting at the warehouses.

Closeout store

Vendors will try and contact various national closeout buyers and merchandise liquidators to rid themselves of their wholesale merchandise. One of the largest wholesale liquidators is AAA Closeout Liquidators, a trusted and well known closeout buyer, in business since 1979. They specialize in quickly purchasing wholesale merchandise, overstock clearance and bulk inventory for cash.